Love Poems
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Here you will find love poems!

On this page you will find love poems.
I tend to write love poems when I'm in love or just think about the love I feel for someone,
or the love that I am receiving from someone.

"One night stand"

You saw me standing there,
that warm summer night;
Alone in the corner,
out of the light.

Sipping on a drink,
I remember Hennessy and Coke;
You came and approached me,
you told me a joke.

Are you alone,
was the question you asked;
Can I give you my number,
I'll write it down really fast.

You leaned over,
you whispered softly in my ear;
You told me I'm  pretty,
let's get out of here.

You led the way,
I followed your lead;
You walked towards your car,
shall I proceed?

We got in the car,
You kissed my lips;
Your hand touched my breasts,
slowly my hips.

We stopped for the moment,
you started to drive;
My passion was burning,
it was coming alive.

We got to your house,
we entered the door;
You started undressing me,
we fell on the floor.

You spread my legs,
I felt you inside;
I've never done this before,
I have too much pride.

The room was filled with passion and lust
Although you're a stranger,
I had so much trust.

We woke up in the morning,
I  was tremendously shy;
You drove me home,
we said our goodbyes.

I never saw you again,
you promised you'd call;
You're still in my memory,
caramel-colored, handsome and tall.

" A simple seduction"

Alluring, enticing-
You've fallen under my spell.

It's an old game-
You should know it real well.

I'll tell you sweet-nothings-
to get what I want.

Once I'm finished-
Your memory I'll haunt.


  "Poetry Without Words"

The title of this poem is being fully credited to my friend, Jorge Garcia. He always told me I was poetry without words. Thanks, "G"!

He said I was beautiful,
He said I was sweet.
Sexy and elegant,
Envious girls would compete.

He said my lips taste just like honey,
So soft and luscious.
Voluptuous and moist,
He'd kiss me forever if it was his choice.

He said my hair feels soft as velvet.
Silk-like texture,luxurious locks;
Stunning indeed,
From the moment he felt it.

He said the arch in my brows make me look seductive.
Glimmering, almond-shaped eyes,
that give a look, almost obstructive.

He said the curves of my waist are shaped like an hour glass;
Feminine, sensual -
I walk with sophistication and class.

He said my legs are strong and smooth,
Enduring while engaged in sexual acts,
He loves how they move.

He said he loves my mysterious ways,
The epitome of an enchantress,
He's caught in a daze.

He said I was poetry,
Poetry without words,
Emotional and expressful,
I like to be heard.


I'm emotional ........
I feel anxious, excited, happy but blue
Sad in a way,
I'm here lost without you.

I feel love, lust, passion and infatuation;
What can I do,
I'm in an extreme situation.

I feel overwhelmed, burdened, lonely and depressed;
But still I love you-
Those feelings won't be supressed.
I'm emotional ...........


She's mysterious, spellbinding
and sensual.
Beautiful face, wonderful body;
glamorous attributes.
She captivates you with her hyptnotizing ways
She's fascinating and entrancing;
Charming and obscure.
One glance in her powerful eyes and you feel overwhelmed with infatuation.
She has the ability to make you fall for her; you become speechless.
She can be a danger to your heart, spirit and soul.
What a seductive woman,
She's one that you've known.

"Thoughts of you"

Lonely night, starry sky-
My mind wanders constantly;
All I'm left with are thoughts of you.

In the shower, in my bed-
I'm caught in a neverending trance;
All I'm left with are thoughts of you.

Outside on a hot summer day, sipping hot cocoa on a rainy evening-
You never fail to amaze me;
All I'm left with are thoughts of you.

Watching a movie, out for dinner-
I realize you're miles and miles away;
All I'm left with are thoughts of you.

I hear your voice; masculine but sweet-
We'll see each other soon.
Until then, all I'm left with are thoughts of you.



You offer me diamonds,
You offer me gold;
Luxuries of a millionaire,
Don't you know this gets old?

I'm not superficial,
Nor materialistic or greedy;
No need for that pearl necklace,
How's about charity for  the needy?

Fancy restaurants,
Expensive clothes;
This isn't my lifestyle,
It's the one that you chose.

Special events,
Parties and dinners;
You paid for my dress,
You think you're a winner?

Extravagant cars,
Your profuse way with money;
You pay for a small jar of honey.

This isn't for me,
You thought you could buy me;
Rich lavish lifestyle,
A life for the dreamy.

"Where did you come from?"

Where did you come from?
Are you an illusion or are you real ...
You're sweet as candy-
I love the way you make me feel.

Where did you come from?
You appeared in my life when I was lonely and blue-
I feel a profound love for you,
so simple yet true.

Where did you come from?
Is this destiny, could it be fate-
Maybe it's meant to be,
You're not too late.

Where did you come from?
You're unique and different in every way-
I often fantasize about you,
every single day.

Where did you come from?
There's a great distance between us-
I'll see you soon.
Our love will grow like a flower,
an orchid that blooms.

Where did you come from?
Don't forget about me-
not today, not ever.
I'll never let you go,
I'll love you forever.

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I'm cold .....
Hold me, stop this shiver;
Touch me,
Love me,
Make me quiver.

I'm sad.....
Comfort me, stop my sorrow;
Talk to me,
Listen to me,
I'll feel better tomorrow.

I'm lonely....
Hug me, stop this emptiness;
Kiss me,
Caress me,
You make me feel blessed.

I'm thankful....
For your love and I love you too;
Show me,
Prove to me,
Always stay true.

"What Does It Mean"
You say that you love me but what does that mean,
Sometimes words are not as they seem.
Will you cherish me and all that I give,
Or will you hurt me and make me not want to live?

You say that you love me but what does that mean,
Is this reality or only a dream;
Will you comfort me through my times of sadness,
or will you contribute to all of the madness?

You say that you love me but what does that mean,
Love isn't always all peaches and cream;
Will you protect me whenever the need,
Or will you abandon me, leave me indeed?

You say that you love me but what does that mean,
It's something I feel but it cannot be seen;
Do you promise to be loyal the rest of our lives,
As our love grows, it's for you to decide.

You say that you love me but what does that mean?
My heart hungers for a sensation so keen.

Sandra Palma Copyright 2004